How SMART are your goals?

How smart are your goals

How SMART are Your Goals? It’s that time of the year when we all make resolutions and set goals. But how SMART are your goals? Setting SMART goals for your business is key. We’ll discuss 5 questions designed to help ensure you reach them.

How Smart are your goals

First of all, goals keep you focused on what’s really most important. Therefore, the more clearly you can define a goal, the easier it will be to follow through and achieve. If one of your goals is to grow your business, for example, there are a few questions you should ask yourself BEFORE setting goals.

  • Who will be accountable for the goal? If your goals will involve other people, you should clearly define your expectations for their role. Setting SMART goals helps make sure everyone involved has a clear vision and focus.
  • What steps are necessary to get to the results I want? If you have lofty goals, getting from point A to Z can seem overwhelming. If you break your goal in to manageable parts, it is easier to manage and focus one by one until the end result is achieved. Think getting from A to B, then focus on B to C, and so on.
  • When should I expect to complete this goal? Tomorrow never ever comes, so it is important to give a specific date or timeline for completion of your goal and hold yourself to it.
How smart are your goals
  • Where will the progress of this goal be measured or recorded? It is so important to measure and track your success based on the timeline you set. At the halfway point, you should be nearly there. If you’re not, its a great time to re-evaluate your strategy and assess where you got off track.
  • How will I achieve this goal? Holding yourself accountable for achievement and even failure may be necessary along the way. Learn from mistakes and be flexible. Accept that you may need to adapt your strategy to stay on track.

Setting SMART Goals for Your Business
A well-defined (or S.M.A.R.T.) goal can help you reach your intended result on target or ahead of schedule.

A SMART goal should be:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Realistic
  • Time-bound

Finally, it is important to write your goals down and post them where they remain visible. Your posted goals act as a constant reminder of what is most important. Keeping your goals in front of you will also act as a reminder to monitor and measure your success along the way.